Featured Female First Responder: Lacey

"Be your best at their worst"

Meet Lacey, a Paramedic from Baton Rouge!

We wanted to mention that Lacey was highly recommended by many other Female First Responders based on her character and work ethic. Seeing those women supporting her and the work she does is truly inspiring.   

Tell us a little about yourself. 

"My name is Lacey Spencer, I am a Paramedic for Baton Rouge EMS. On a typical day we run anywhere from 10-16 calls in 12hrs. When I’m not a work I enjoy biking, riding horses, or sitting by the pool. I have a 3.5lb Yorkie named Chief Bandicoot, 180lb Great Dane named Phoenix Prime, 1200lb horse named Beau. Also, I love my Jeep! Throwing the top back and feeling free."

What go you interested in the field you work in? Did you know you always wanted to be a First Responder? 

"I have always been fascinated with the medical field but hated being indoors. As a Paramedic it’s cool to combine being out and about but still providing medical care. I initially wanted to be a veterinarian but after getting my bachelors degree my career path changed drastically when I actually met a Paramedic and did a ride along. It took one call to get me hooked and realized that EMS was unlike anything I had ever heard of."

Are there any mentors that have shaped your life and your passion for your work? 

"I have been fortunate to have been surrounded by great folks growing up. I would say the person that shaped me the most was my horse trainer. She taught me that work had to be done regardless of whether I “felt” like it, the horses had to be fed.
In EMS there are too many to name that have inspired me to want to be a great Paramedic. I could start with my preceptor Otha Henry, my first Unit Commander Matt Smyer, my first student Kristin Lear, my Supervisor Minette Wicker, none of them would be in my life had it not been for Emily Robillard who encouraged and inspired me first."

What has been your proudest moment so far as a First Responder? 

"My proudest moment is hearing my previous students sound so damn good on the radio and handling their business."

What advice would you give to anyone aspiring to be a First Responder? 

"Be your best at their worst, whatever their worst is, whatever your best is."

Are there any organization or events you are passionate about? 

"GulfCoast Brotherhood Ride, honoring First Responders that have fallen in the line of duty and raising money for their families."